Frequently Asked Questions
No, women don’t easily get “bulky” without a ton of strategic action over many years: eating a TON of food, lifting HEAVY for years, using steroids, etc. You will not get bulky by lifting weight. Muscle is the organ of longevity and the key to looking toned and so many vital functions.
I’m 5’2″.
I lift (strength train) 3 times a week with one upper body day, one leg day, and one total body day (about 45 minutes to 1 hour each time- I take lots of rest between sets, so my sessions take more time), HIIT 1 time a week and rest 2-3 days a week (walking). I love Faster Way because this schedule is all programmed for me each week, so I don’t have to think about what I’m doing. I open the Faster Way App and get to work.
All of those diets, and even the workouts don’t focus on building muscle, and that is the key to longevity to restoring your metabolism. Things like Optavia put you in an extreme calorie deficit and so does Weight Watchers. And anyone will lose a large amount of weight in those extreme deficits (it’s why they work in the short term with amazing results). The problem is they are quick fixes and how do you sustain the results? Plus when people lose weight on those diets they’re losing both muscle and fat because of how extreme the calorie deficit is. And by losing muscle and eating at such a low calorie number, you’re tanking your metabolism. So when you do go back to eating more food, you’re naturally going to gain a ton of weight.
Faster Way is different because it takes what all the science and data backs as the way to lose fat and build muscle and maintain these results for the long-term. You won’t see any kind of crazy results in 6 weeks, as you can see from my photos. But eating enough to build muscle (and a slight calorie deficit if your goal is fat loss) and lifting weights to build muscle will do INCREDIBLE things for your body and metabolism over the long haul no matter your age. This approach is sustainable and you’ll get results that go beyond just a quick-fix downsizing on the scale.
No, I eat anything and everything (in fact, just enjoyed some Girl Scout Cookies). Learning the strategy of counting macros and calories and understanding how to build muscle has given me incredible food freedom and an amazing metabolism that can handle a lot of delicious food.
First, everyone fasts. When you sleep and go without eating for 7+ hours, you’re fasting. So fasting doesn’t need to be some extreme thing to be scared of.
But no, you don’t have to intermittent fast; however, most people who ask this think fasting is extreme. Fasting doesn’t mean skipping meals or missing breakfast. It simply gives your body digestive rest (like we all do when we’re sleeping), but it also keeps you from overeating at night out of boredom (this was a massive help for me). I fast 12 hours daily, from sundown (after dinner) to sun up (breakfast), sometimes less. Other options are 14 hours and 16 hours. Your coach should work with you to create a custom fasting schedule that works best for you. IMO, fasting is less necessary than meeting your calorie/macro targets and strength training. Still, it is a good discipline that can be super beneficial and one strategy you’ll learn to use correctly and safely in Faster Way.
Yes, it will. Faster Way works because it combines a slight calorie deficit (if your goal is fat loss) with building muscle. Whether you choose to join Faster Way or not, these are the two essentials to losing weight and getting that toned look people want. It’s not that Faster Way has some magical secret solution (any program that makes such claims is a big red flag); it’s just that they’ve taken these tenets and packaged them up in an easy-to-follow program.
You can choose quick fixes that will put you in an extreme calorie deficit (which never last because you can’t eat that little for a long time and feel good, but give super fast results), but sustainability is critical. Faster Way does a fantastic job (particularly if you’re with the right coach, which is why I recommend Sandi) at helping people lose fat (through nutrition), build muscle (which will change your body and metabolism in an incredible way), and maintain those results.
Yes, Faster Way has a men’s program.
In Faster Way, you learn how to carb cycle with low-carb days and regular macro days (in VIP, you also learn how to use a low macro day). I practiced carb cycling for over 15 months, but when I went into maintenance, I found it hard to fit my necessary calories with the amount of fat needed on low carb days. But these are amazing strategies that I will always have in my toolbox and can use in the future.
I highly recommend doing so initially and for a while as you learn to track macros. Weighing food is far more accurate than using measuring cups. You’ll get a fantastic education and visual on what 20 grams of protein looks like when eating chicken or what 50 grams of carbs looks like when eating rice or potatoes. Taking the time to learn this skill will ensure you’re meeting your macro goals, which provides the best results (particularly in a calorie deficit for fat loss).
You can, but do I recommend it? No, at least not regularly. When I started my journey, I continued to drink, usually a glass or two of wine or beer a night. But as I tracked macros (which included those drinks), I realized that I didn’t want to waste my calorie allocation on those drinks. I wanted to eat delicious food instead. So, I slowly cut back, and gradually, my desire for it disappeared. As I stopped drinking, fat loss became more accessible, and I felt way better. I still drink from time to time. We recently went to Mexico, and I spent 4 days enjoying margs, wine, and beer. It was fun, but that’s not my daily life.
While I saw some results in the first 6 weeks, I soon realized that this journey is lifelong. I recommend approaching your journey with the same mindset. Over the past two years, I’ve seen my body change incredibly, and if I had been focused on fast and quick, I never would have had the patience to build the consistency and sustainable habits that got me to where I am today. I can’t wait to see my progress over the next year(s) and the compounding effect of consistent daily habits.
No, it’s not (and I’ve seen a lot of MLM companies over the years and been very outspoken about many in the health and beauty industry). I get that it feels very gimmicky for many people; I felt that way too. It’s a clinically proven program focusing on the foundation that every fitness professional will tell you is vital: protein, calories (Faster Way also focuses on macros for nutrition quality), and lifting weights. What FWTFL has done so well is taking these fundamental principles and packaging them into an easy-to-follow program, so you have all the tools and support needed to succeed with these essential habits.
No, you’ll learn during the first 6 weeks and be given custom macros and have access to the Faster Way App for daily tracking.
Yes! For $79 a month, it’s a steal of a deal. Having my workouts completely programmed and done for me (and these aren’t just random workouts; they are strategically developed each week to build muscle and strength over time) is worth every penny. Also, having my coach’s support when I need my macros adjusted, have questions, have felt like I wasn’t making progress and needed help, etc., is worth the month-to-month cost.
You may or may not see your scale weight drop. But scale weight means very little; it’s simply a piece of data (a number) that includes muscle, water, food, fat, bone density, etc. Even if the scale doesn’t move (which, yes, it did for me, I went from 145lbs to now maintaining at around 125lbs for over a year), you will lose fat, build muscle, and see body composition changes if you’re consistent. Instead of focusing on the scale, build the habits of tracking your macros and strength training and take progress photos weekly. You’ll be shocked at what your body can do and how it can change with consistency over time.
No, you can exercise at home using dumbbells and bands or workout at the gym. Faster Way provides options for both. It gives you everything you need to be successful – videos, form training, etc., whether you’re a newbie (like I was) or experienced (like I am now).
No, Faster Way provides meal plans each week in the Faster way App (included when you join and in the month-to-month VIP membership); however, you don’t need to follow them. This isn’t a diet program where you have to eat certain foods. The meal plans are simply there as a guide, like Pinterest or a blog, to simplify your life if you want to use them. They are not a “diet plan.”
Yes, you can. Barre, yoga, pilates are both wonderful activities for a rest day (and Faster Way has these options built into the program on rest days with videos you can follow if you choose). But, you need to strength train as that’s the only thing that will build muscle and doing this is essential for your metabolism, appearance, and overall health and longevity. So whether you use the Faster Way strength trainings, or something else, these workouts should be your top priority.
In the beginning, this skill takes time to learn (and that’s what the first 6 weeks are for – learning and practicing with the help of your coach). I keep meals simple and repeat a lot of favorite meals, and the app makes tracking so simple and easy. I do a lot of copy/paste in the app, too (making it so easy and fast to track meals).
Tracking macros is only hard initially as there is a learning curve (just like anything), but the incredible value of learning this skill is worth it and will pay off in the long run. Now, for me, it’s just second nature, and I don’t track in maintenance because I spent the time learning how to track and visualize what, say, 30 grams of protein looks like or 100 grams of carbs. I can eat intuitively now and maintain weight, but I needed to learn this invaluable tool.
We will provide a meal plan for you to follow, however you will be equipped to create your own meal plans as well. For example, on low carb day I will indicate that your goal is to consume less than 50g net carbs. I will explain how to calculate your macros (carbs, fats, protein) and provide additional recipes. You will have the flexibility to consume the foods you truly enjoy.
The FASTer Way offers both a gym and at-home workout version. Both are equally effective and you are welcome to do either.
My honest answer to this question is: If what you are currently doing was working extremely well, you wouldn’t be looking into this program. If you were seeing incredible results, and were truly passionate about your current lifestyle, you would not be searching for other solutions. This program is designed to work as a whole. We pair our nutritional cycle with our workouts, because that is what gets the very best results. It is absolutely critical that we are fueling our bodies for our workouts, and teaching them how to burn fat instead of glucose throughout the day. If you belong to a gym like Orangetheory, are doing Pilates, Yoga or Barre, then I highly recommend you do our workouts for the first few weeks. I definitely want you to keep doing workouts you love, so I’m all for you adding yours in. However, it is important that we discuss what you are doing so that we can make sure your food cycle is matched accordingly. If you are working with a personal trainer, I would obviously want you to continue with that, but again would have you look at your food cycle to ensure you are eating the right amount on the days you are working out!
This program is for women AND men. In addition, this program has been incredibly successful for women who have a foundation of working out and under 60 pounds to lose. This program is challenging and will require commitment. If you have more than 60 pounds to lose and have not worked out in a long time, then we can make the program work for you, but it will require some modifying. If that’s you, I will have you start with our nutritional cycle then ease you into our workouts. I truly want you to see results, but I also want you to be safe and remain injury free. So, if you have more than 60 pounds to lose, we will move a little more slowly, but will eventually be able to ease you into the full program and lifestyle over time.
As a certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach, I have all the training and content needed to run the FASTer Way To Fat Loss effectively. In addition, I have gone through the program and experienced incredible results. I know how to stay motivated when these strategies seem overwhelming. I know how rewarding it feels to finally see some results. I’ve been in your shoes and know what you need. This program will deliver everything the FASTer Way offers and I will be there to cheer you on along the way!
Yes! However, there are some things we may need to modify. Throughout the program we will listen to your body and continually keep an eye on your milk supply. However, when you eat the foods God intended for you to eat, you won’t see a decrease in milk supply. He’s designed our bodies intentionally, so fueling them well will not affect that. However, we will be sure to check on your caloric intake because when you are living in too big of a calorie deficit and doing crazy, intense workouts, your milk supply can absolutely be affected. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is designed to fuel your body in a way that is perfectly safe for nursing moms.
I host the FASTer Way To Fat Loss community groups on Facebook. Most of my clients choose to join a Facebook community group for daily tips and accountability. While I do recommend you join a Facebook group, it is not required for participation in the program.
A convenient 6 week program that fits your busy schedule
A comprehensive program with resources to help you thrive including sample meal plans, a detailed program overview, and video interviews
BRAND NEW FWTFL APP with 1 click access to the workouts & meal plan
TRAININGS Prep week with trainings to set you up for success
WORKOUTS Weekly workout plans which can be completed at the gym or at home and LIVE WORKOUTS daily
COMMUNITY + ACCOUNTABILITY: Accountability and a supportive approach that keeps you on track to accomplish your goals
AFFORDABLE package option that is among the lowest cost option you’ll find (only $249 total)
ME: Your certified FWTFL coach to encourage and hold you accountable along the way!
Feel free to contact me anytime
Ready to get Started
The 6 week New Client Experience is your introduction to the scientifically proven methods of the FASTer Way – the methods designed to help you lose fat and feel your best.